Chubby Checker

Саундтреки из фильма Человек-Паук 3, Other

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Si vous avez aimé la chanson Chubby Checker Let's twist again - les paroles est obligatoire à en prendre connaissance!

Chubby Checker - Let's twist again: lyrics de la chanson

Come on everybody!
Clap your hands!
All you looking good!

I'm goona sing my song
It won't take long!
We're gonna do the twist
and it goes like this:

Come on let's twist again,
like we did last summer!
Yeaaah, let's twist again,
like we did last year!

Do you remember when,
things were really hummin',
Yeaaaah, let's twist again,
twistin' time is here!

And round and round and up and down
we go again!
Oh, baby, make me know
you love me so,
and then:

Twist again,
like we did last summer,
Come on, let's twist again,
like we did last year!

Who`s that flyin' up there?
Is it a bird? Noooooo!
Is it a plane? Noooooooo!
Is it the twister? YEAAAAAAAHH!

Twist again,
like we did last summer,
Come on, Let's twist again,
like we did last year!!!!

Do you remember when,
things were really hummin',
Come on, let's twist again,
twistin' time is here

and round and round and up and down
we go again!
Oh, baby, make me know,
you love me sooooo!

And then:
Come on, twist again,
like we did last summer,
let's twist again,
like we did last year!

Come on, let's twist again,
twistin' time is heeeere!

Paroles Chubby Checker - Let's twist again.
Let's twist againChubby Checker

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Paroles de la chanson Let's twist again - Chubby Checker

Ce n'est pas toujours possible de comprendre ce qu'on chante à une composition musicale. Juste dans ce cas-là les paroles de la chanson Let's twist again Chubby Checker vous seront utiles. Aussi, vous pourrez facilement chantonner votre chanson préférée grâce au lyrics.

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