Iron Maiden

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Si vous avez aimé la chanson Iron Maiden Twilight zone - les paroles est obligatoire à en prendre connaissance!

Iron Maiden - Twilight zone: lyrics de la chanson

She lays in bed at night and that is when I make my call.
But when she stares at me, she can't see nothing at all,
Because, you see, I can't take no shape or form.
It's been three long years since I've been gone.

I can't get used to purgatory, you know it really makes me cry.
I'll never know the reason why I had to go.
Oh, oh, I'm crying,
Oh, oh, oh, deep inside of me.
Oh, oh, oh, can't you see me?
Ah can't you see me?

I'm looking forward to her spirit coming over to me.
I feel tempted to bring her over to see just what it's
Like to be hanging on the other side.
I feel so lonely, it's a long time since I died.

I try to show her that she's never gonna be alone, 

Paroles Iron Maiden - Twilight zone.
Twilight zoneIron Maiden

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Paroles de la chanson Twilight zone - Iron Maiden

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