Judas Priest


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Si vous avez aimé la chanson Judas Priest Love zone - les paroles est obligatoire à en prendre connaissance!

Judas Priest - Love zone: lyrics de la chanson

Been awake all night, can№t get no sleep
I need a steel blue heart walkin№ down the street
With your razor nails, and your painted smile
You№re gonna get richer, I gotta get wild
Any time you want to
Any way you need
Get your love for money there, satisfaction guaranteed
Wo oh, love zone
You know what I mean
Wo oh, love zone
Live that fantasy
I№m behind the wheel, throttle open wide
The gas tanks full do you want to ride
Drivin№ in the fast lane at night
I can№t keep my eyes off your red tail light
You know where we№re goin№
I know where where are
Set the rear view mirror for
The backseat or the car
Wo oh, love zone
You know what I mean
Wo oh, love zone
Live that fantasy
In your leather and chrome you№re all the rage
All you want to do is get backstage
You heard all the stories, are they true
The rock №n№ roll circus is calling you
When you get there baby
You№ll be hypnotised
Never seen nothin№ like it no,
You won№t believe your eyes
Wo oh, love zone
You know what I mean
Wo oh, love zone
Live that fantasy
Wo oh, love zone
You know what I mean
Wo oh, love zone
Live that fantasy
Everybody get in
Everybody get in that love zone 

Paroles Judas Priest - Love zone.
Love zoneJudas Priest

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Paroles de la chanson Love zone - Judas Priest

Ce n'est pas toujours possible de comprendre ce qu'on chante à une composition musicale. Juste dans ce cas-là les paroles de la chanson Love zone Judas Priest vous seront utiles. Aussi, vous pourrez facilement chantonner votre chanson préférée grâce au lyrics.

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