Judas Priest


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Si vous avez aimé la chanson Judas Priest Worth fighting for - les paroles est obligatoire à en prendre connaissance!

Judas Priest - Worth fighting for: lyrics de la chanson

You said I could never find, a way to ease your mind
But where I go you'd wind up in the dust
I tried so hard to have you reach another side of me
Instead you went to nowhere and forgot

So I wonder on
Asking where you might have gone
From what I knew before
Some things are worth fighting for
Desert heat can wear you down, but still I'm rollin' through
Did I see your figure in the haze?
I am driven by a thirst, to quench myself of love

The sun beats on me for the price I pay

So I wonder on
Asking where you might have gone
From what I knew before
Some things are worth fighting for,
Night road leads me to a town of ghosts
I'm beckoned by the glow of kerosene, and tumble weed
Their calling out, forever more
Worth fighting for !

I'm leaning in the wind
Head bowed down from what I saw
My shadow for a friend
So somethings are worth fighting for

So I'm moving on
Asking where you might have gone
From what I knew before
Some things are worth fighting for
Worth fighting for !! 

Paroles Judas Priest - Worth fighting for.
Worth fighting forJudas Priest

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Paroles de la chanson Worth fighting for - Judas Priest

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