Old Man's Child

Other, Black Metal

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Si vous avez aimé la chanson Old Man's Child Demons of the thorncastle - les paroles est obligatoire à en prendre connaissance!

Old Man's Child - Demons of the thorncastle: lyrics de la chanson

Deep within the shadowland
Far beyond the distance
Lies a castle upon the hills
Unsettled for a thousand years

The soldiers that lived there once
Warriors from the north
Died beneath their enemies blade
And ended with defeat

Now a spell on the castle dwells
And breeds inside the walls
And awakens from a timeless sleep....
Demons from the kingdoms of hell

Through the land that they once possessed
They ride on the nightside storms
And watch over a thousand seas
With eyes made in another world

Blood seeders, flying
Above the mountain sides
Searching for the blood they lost.... 

Paroles Old Man's Child - Demons of the thorncastle.
Demons of the thorncastleOld Man's Child

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Paroles de la chanson Demons of the thorncastle - Old Man's Child

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