Running Wild

Other, Heavy Metal

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Si vous avez aimé la chanson Running Wild Running blood - les paroles est obligatoire à en prendre connaissance!

Running Wild - Running blood: lyrics de la chanson

The holy sword of fire is burning through the lands.
Wizards and witches - their torture never ends.
Religious madness creates this hell on earth.
The Holy inquisition is spreading its curse.
Murder, lies and slanders, 'cause they want to rule.
Madmen and fools, they left a sea of running blood.

Hundreds of pyres are burning in the night.
Calumniated victims of inquisition's strike.
Pray for the tortured, tears for their pain!
Misanthropic blindness, a dog without a chain.
Murder, lies and slanders, 'cause they want to rule.
Madmen and fools, they left a sea of running blood.

Paroles Running Wild - Running blood.
Running bloodRunning Wild

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Paroles de la chanson Running blood - Running Wild

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