Running Wild

Other, Heavy Metal

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Si vous avez aimé la chanson Running Wild Soldiers of hell - les paroles est obligatoire à en prendre connaissance!

Running Wild - Soldiers of hell: lyrics de la chanson

Black shadows and black horses
Dark warriors out of hell
Mighty and evil
Reflection of an ancient tale
A gang appears beside you
They're the men you have to scare
You see their axes shining
And their long, black hair

Soldiers of hell, soldiers of hell
Soldiers of hell, soldiers of hell

Whiplashes, swordstrokes
The avaricious tyrant dies
Shining axes and shining spears
Black faces with mean, red eyes
A gang appears beside you 

Paroles Running Wild - Soldiers of hell.
Soldiers of hellRunning Wild

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Paroles de la chanson Soldiers of hell - Running Wild

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