Take That


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Si vous avez aimé la chanson Take That Like I Never Loved You At All - les paroles est obligatoire à en prendre connaissance!

Take That - Like I Never Loved You At All: lyrics de la chanson

Where, where are the stars?
The ones that we used to call ours
Can't imagine it now
We used to laugh til we fell down.

The secrets we had, are now in the past
From something to nothing, tell me.

How did we lose our way?
It's hard to remember
All that we shared
Now we both have separate lives
From lovers to strangers, now alone
There's no one catching my fall
No one to hear my call
It's like I never loved you at all.

Now you're so far away
And I see our star is fading
One too many times
Guess it just got tired of waiting around.

The nights that we thought, if these walls could talk
From something to nothing, tell me.

So now does he give you love
Oh, is it only me now that's thinking of, what we had and what we were
Or did you ever care, baby was I ever there?

Paroles Take That - Like I Never Loved You At All.
Like I Never Loved You At AllTake That

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Paroles de la chanson Like I Never Loved You At All - Take That

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