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Si vous avez aimé la chanson Accept Sounds Of War - les paroles est obligatoire à en prendre connaissance!

Accept - Sounds Of War: lyrics de la chanson

(...)Mighty war machines are on their way
I'm (...) here no place to stay
Time will come, we'll have to pray
And then the war will come someday
(...) endless fear
Don't you see that the point is near

Shooting guns I hear from everywhere (louder)
(Bombs) are falling out of (...) great (power)
Tanks are coming, beware of (machines)
Children are suffering and cry for (help)
Tanks are coming (...)
(...) houses and everything around
The useless crying, seems to be the end
Seems to be the end of this rotten land

I was born, tell me why
I was born, tell me why

Killing children who doesn't know hatred
Torturing people (what's all) this mess
Tell me the sence of useless life
Killing each other with (...)

I was born, tell me why
I was born, tell me why

Tanks are coming (...) 

Paroles Accept - Sounds Of War.
Sounds Of WarAccept

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Paroles de la chanson Sounds Of War - Accept

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