The Courteeners

Indie Rock, Rock

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Si vous avez aimé la chanson The Courteeners How Come - les paroles est obligatoire à en prendre connaissance!

The Courteeners - How Come: lyrics de la chanson

How come you are always off your head
And yet you still end up in your bed
With some mint blonde I've never seen before
And you get away with kicking her face first out of your front door

You get admiration from all of the lads
The mothers take a shine to you
That's not the case with the dads
They have to keep both eyes on you incase you make a move
But we know that you'd never be so daft and that's what makes you so smooth

So next time you're out
Gonna stand and watch from the bar
Just to see if it's true how far you will take your good looks, your wit and charm
Walk out of this place with sixteen girls on each arm

You get admiration from all of the lads
The mothers take a shine to you
That's not the case with the dads
They have to keep both eyes on you just incase you make a move
But we all know that you'd never be so daft and that's what makes you so smooth  

Paroles The Courteeners - How Come.
How ComeThe Courteeners

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Paroles de la chanson How Come - The Courteeners

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