Travis Tritt


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Si vous avez aimé la chanson Travis Tritt Sack Full Of Stones - les paroles est obligatoire à en prendre connaissance!

Travis Tritt - Sack Full Of Stones: lyrics de la chanson

(Travis Tritt/Marty Stuart)
I used to be the kind of guy
I could laugh as well as cry
With a heart feather-soft and summer-warm
Since you've left me I've been faced
With emptiness that's been replaced
With a heart that's hard and heavy as a sack full of stones

I never thought I'd ever see
The man my mirror is showing me
Lord I must have aged ten years
Since you've been gone
The longest mile you'll ever crawl
Is the one after you fall
Draggin' around a heart that's heavy as a sack full of stones

With the world upon my shoulders
And my feelings on my sleeve
Every time I close my eyes at night
All I do is watch you leave
But by far the biggest curse of being left alone
Is draggin' around a heart that's heavy as a sack full of stones

Well I tried turning to a bottle
But the bottle turned on me
I've tried everything
But nothing sets your memory free
I'm serving life here in a prison
That we once called a home
With a heart that's cold and heavy as a sack full of stones

With the world upon my shoulders 

Paroles Travis Tritt - Sack Full Of Stones.
Sack Full Of StonesTravis Tritt

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Paroles de la chanson Sack Full Of Stones - Travis Tritt

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