Tesla Boy


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Si vous avez aimé la chanson Tesla Boy Liberating Soul - les paroles est obligatoire à en prendre connaissance!

Tesla Boy - Liberating Soul: lyrics de la chanson

The line
That I draw between
My life
And your thoughts 'n' dreems
But why
Why it's so heavy to wave my hand
My past
Is in black and brown
Keeps lies
And the chance you blown
But why
Why it's so heavy to wave my hand

The rain
Made of your photographs
I am under rain
Made of your photographs
And I've got myself
Locked in your photographs
Liberating soul

Let's face
Faces pale 'n' gone
I see
Neither friend nor foe
But why
Why it's so heavy to wave my hand
I throw
Pictures I have torn
I hope
There is no U-turn
But why
Why it's so heavy to wave my hand

The rain
Made of your photographs
I am under rain
Made of your photographs
And I've got myself
Locked in your photographs
Liberating soul 

Paroles Tesla Boy - Liberating Soul.
Liberating SoulTesla Boy

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Paroles de la chanson Liberating Soul - Tesla Boy

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