Running Wild

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Si vous avez aimé la chanson Running Wild Under Jolly Roger - les paroles est obligatoire à en prendre connaissance!

Running Wild - Under Jolly Roger: lyrics de la chanson

Weigh anchor, hoist the sails
Cruisin' for booty on watery trails
No exploiter we see can still sail on
Our cannons fire till his ship goes down

Fly our flag, we teach them fear
Capture them, the end is near
Firing guns they shell burn
Surrender or fight there's no return
Under Jolly Roger

Venerable scoundrels, no blood on our hands
Our engagement are tough, but only for defence
Carefully we sail around the reefs
To force those die-hards to their knees

Fly our flag, we teach them fear
Capture them, the end is near
Firing guns they shell burn
Surrender or fight there's no return
Under Jolly Roger

Coming through the waves to free all the captives
Boarding the vessels we know all the tactics
We're the menace, the curse of the sea 

Paroles Running Wild - Under Jolly Roger.
Under Jolly RogerRunning Wild

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Paroles de la chanson Under Jolly Roger - Running Wild

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