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Si vous avez aimé la chanson Anathema Deep - les paroles est obligatoire à en prendre connaissance!

Anathema - Deep: lyrics de la chanson

(Lyrics Vincent Music Danny/Dave)
Feel my heart burning
Deep inside... yearning
I know it is coming
A fettered heart, waking
A tainted youth, fading
Leave it all behind
Delirious again
Mesmerise my senses
Souls entwine one more time
All our times will come
Searching oblivion
Leaving nothing but the memories of
All the things you give
They're all you'll leave behind
Within their mind
Open laughter held in distant days
Eternal stars have changed
I know that it can't be the same
There's no romance for you tonight
Feel my heart burning
Deep inside... yearning
I know it is coming
All our times will come 

Paroles Anathema - Deep.

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Paroles de la chanson Deep - Anathema

Ce n'est pas toujours possible de comprendre ce qu'on chante à une composition musicale. Juste dans ce cas-là les paroles de la chanson Deep Anathema vous seront utiles. Aussi, vous pourrez facilement chantonner votre chanson préférée grâce au lyrics.

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