Dylan Scott


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Si vous avez aimé la chanson Dylan Scott Hooked - les paroles est obligatoire à en prendre connaissance!

Dylan Scott - Hooked: lyrics de la chanson

It was a Friday night

No cover but the cover band was sounding right

And there you were

Just flirty dancing

By the neon sign

To "Fishin' In The Dark"

You were reeling in my heart

Now look at where we are

I'm hooked on kissing you, getting

Getting you turned on

Buzzing and loving on you

All night long

Like a hit song on the radio

You already know the way it goes

All it took was a look and

I was hooked on

The way that you taking

Taking my shirt off

And running my fingers

Through your long blonde

Hair falling in your eyes

Like the first time they caught mine

All it took was a look and I was hooked

It's Saturday

You're still asleep and I could leave

But no way

This ain't a one night fling kinda thing

Wanna wake you up

Wanna press my luck

And my lips on your cheek

Like I can't enough 'cause

I'm hooked on kissing you, getting

Getting you turned on

Buzzing and loving on you

All night long

Like a hit song on the radio

You already know the way it goes

All it took was a look and

I was hooked on

The way that you taking

Taking my shirt off

And running my fingers

Through your long blonde

Hair falling in your eyes

Like the first time they caught mine

All it took was a look and I was hooked

You got me hooked on kissing you, getting

Getting you turned on

Buzzing and loving on you

All night long

Like a hit song on the radio

You already know the way it goes

All it took was a look and

I was hooked on

The way that you taking

Taking my shirt off

And running my fingers

Through your long blonde

Hair falling in your eyes

Like the first time they caught mine

All it took was a look and I was hooked.

Paroles Dylan Scott - Hooked.
HookedDylan Scott

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Paroles de la chanson Hooked - Dylan Scott

Ce n'est pas toujours possible de comprendre ce qu'on chante à une composition musicale. Juste dans ce cas-là les paroles de la chanson Hooked Dylan Scott vous seront utiles. Aussi, vous pourrez facilement chantonner votre chanson préférée grâce au lyrics.

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