Cannibal Corpse

Death Metal

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Si vous avez aimé la chanson Cannibal Corpse Meat hook sodomy - les paroles est obligatoire à en prendre connaissance!

Cannibal Corpse - Meat hook sodomy: lyrics de la chanson

Butchery my meat hooks sharpened to penetrate
Emasculate, gouging crotches I will eat
Hung upside down, holes punctured through half chewed
Gristle, debauchery with dead bodies, turning green
Upheaveal of human entrails
Deterioration of grated genitals, dangling from the hooks
Obscene feelings deep inside me
Dislocating, separating a blood
Drenched body
Begin the anal grounting
Awaiting insertion, to rip out intestine
Bodily destruction
Vulgar molestation
Treachery never ending soul ripping
Lifeless Bodies not, petrified
Cloggins veins
Presure building
Scabbing clotted sores dehydrate
Condemned to life of obscurity
Dismal dimensions of my being, I explore my thoughts through murder
Devoting my life to mutilation
Screams of blood saturate, grubs feed on dilapidated
Stumps, darkness overshadowing the killing
Eyes now dialate
Bodies disintegrate
Razor sharp hooks implanted in your rectum
Splitting bodies, spilling guts on the ground 

Paroles Cannibal Corpse - Meat hook sodomy.
Meat hook sodomyCannibal Corpse

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Paroles de la chanson Meat hook sodomy - Cannibal Corpse

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