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Si vous avez aimé la chanson Carcass Tools of the trade - les paroles est obligatoire à en prendre connaissance!

Carcass - Tools of the trade: lyrics de la chanson

Steel skin clips,
Forceps, grooved awl, retractors, needles
Gouges and saws,
Intestinal clamps, blunt dissectors,
Scalpels, pins, toothed directors.

Tools of the trade, forceps and blades
Skillfully lathed, for us to maim.

Bone levers, spikes, malleable scoops,
Plates and chisels, screws and spoons,
Drills, respatories, files and durettes,
Guillotines, gags and compression forceps.

Tools of the trade, ripping the rib-cage,
To remissly lustrate, so pleased to maim.

(Lead: Maim to please by W.G Steer)
(Lead: Up to the hilt by M. Amott)

Retractors, mallets, rugines and benders,
Chisels, rods, sharps and catheters,
Trephines, undines, irons and styrups,
Depressors, tongues, sterile catgut. 

Paroles Carcass - Tools of the trade.
Tools of the tradeCarcass

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Paroles de la chanson Tools of the trade - Carcass

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